Thursday, September 3, 2009

Least Favourite Word

Only complete wankers use the word "bucolic".

It's such a hideous sounding word. I mean, why on God's green earth would a word that supposedly describes green, calm pastures and other scenes where fluffy sheep prance around, untouched by the naughty bits of Welshmen, sound like an especially bad case of stomach upset??? "I'm sorry, Miss Fitzsimmons, it appears that you have a particularly bad case of bucolic, I don't expect you'll be feeling better until earliest next week."

And it's deliberately obscure, because it seems so disconnected from what it's supposed to describe. Is there such a thing as anti-onomatopoeia? Because "bucolic" qualifies - and "bucolical" is even worse. There can clearly be no aesthetic reasons to use it; there are perfectly satisfying synonyms that are more widely understood. So if you use it, it's only to show off and make other people feel stupid, which stopped being OK when you stopped being a teenager.

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